Clouds. How remarkable.

Our trip down to Orlando was 75 degrees and sunny, a welcome break from the icy winter we've had. On the way back we saw the most beautiful clouds. We've been flying around for like 2 years straight without ever coming down except for avgas and so we've seen plenty of clouds in our day. Its remarkable then that we were completely entranced by the beauty and awesomeness of it all on our way back from Orlando. Its remarkable because its still so enjoyable and inspiring that we try to capture the moment and keep it forever despite the fact that we know taking photos of clouds, the Bahamas, and really much of anything, ever does the moment justice. I thought it would be more appropriate to try to capture the moment of us trying to save the awesome feeling of soaring among the clouds. Its my favorite part of flying and brings joy to me every time. 

Here is Brandi trying to snap a photo of a stretch of clouds we flew near that was a 5,500 foot puffy-wavy blanket below us and an overcast layer above at 10k with bright blue sandwich filling :)

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