We had another wholesome and awesome time again at Creighton Island. The RAF had a fly-in organized to help work on the field, and so with my mom in town from AZ, I scooped her up along with Lucy and the three of us went down to the island. The flight was great, but my landing wasn't so great. Lucy managed to sleep through some bouncing down the runway, which was impressive lol. I love landing at Creighton because it has tall trees on either end and is fairly short so you have to come in just right. I came in nice and slow and dropped the nose once over the trees, but I bled off too much speed without adding in some power. Perhaps a more stable approach instead of dropping it in is a better technique. It gives me something to do better for the next trip!
We got in late in the afternoon on Friday and set up camp along with all the other pilots and friends. We were delighted to see Eric and his Dad, Gary, again and we made some new friends as well. We enjoyed some dinner and hanging out with everyone and then called it a night so that the work could start early the next day. On Saturday we worked on clearing some trees from the edges of the runway and filling in some holes that the cows like to dig. I got to run the tractor, which was really fun! I got pretty good at it I think, especially considering it was my first time. After the day of work a few of us guys took a dip in the cool water to rinse off. It was brisk but refreshing!
Lucy got to drive a little tractor, which she super loved and wanted to do over and over. She probably had accumulated an hour of driving time on that thing lol. We enjoyed good food and fellowship and even were treated to a shrimp boil courtesy of Frank! Frank blew our minds with a card trick and we had some bourbon and beers and had a great evening.
The next day I helped Eric install a weather station in the tower, which is going to help provide good info for pilots in the future. We drove the tractor around some more. It was time to head home after yet another great adventure!