Oshkosh trip was a huge success! The flight in was easy and none of the horror stories that we heard about came to fruition. We had a great evening of fellowship at the RV-10 potluck dinner the evening we arrived. The next evening was the vansairforce beer tent gather. Brandi and I won a gift certificate for being the lowest time RV to make it to Osh at about 52 hours on the hobbs. We also got to hang out with our Falcon squadron buddies, which was really awesome. Tuesday night was the Vans banquet dinner - it was cool meeting a few new RV peoples there but for the most part it was just jam packed and kind of boring. Monday during the day was hot hot hot and Tim Olson and his wife Andrea invited us to go swimming at a rock quarry that was about a 20 mile drive away. We had a GREAT time with them and their kids, Ed, and Lenny, which were other youthy RV-10 builders. It was really great to meet Tim after leaning on his really great website for so long during our build (https://myrv10.com) I had to go to Louisville, KY Wed and Thurs for a work event so Brandi stayed behind and had to deal with some crazy wind activity. She had to re-pitch our tent and then had to move it to avoid the 'blue river' from encroaching on our campsite because the porta-poties near us got blown over in the high wind!! Friday we had a 15 minute radio spot on the EAA radio. It was really fun! We got to talk with Bob Collins about our experience as a relatively young builder couple. We're E-Famous! The radio booth was on a two story tower right near the runway and we were invited to sit up there to watch the airshow that was taking place later that day. It was an amazing view to watch the airshow from! We had dinner with several good friends Friday night and then Saturday morning we left for Lacrosse, WI where our friends Ben and Mari live. We ate amazing German food for lunch and walked down the river. Then we grilled out and watched a movie outdoors and played frisbee and other outdoor games. The next day we explored the Niagara cave in Harmony, Minnesota. It was finally time to fly home and we made it all the way back in one shot and enjoyed 25 knot tail winds the whole way.
This is the abbreviated version of the whole trip. It was AMAZING and way more stuff went down than I'm going to sit down and write about. Its an absolute joy to be able to travel all around in our newly flying airplane. We have 69.9 on the hobbs now!