Huntsville, AL to visit some -10 builders

We recently made some great new friends, Justin and Jess, from Huntsville, AL. They are building an RV-10 and are our age. So we packed up and flew out to meet them and check out their build. It was a really nice flight out there and we landed at Madison County Executive. They came and met us at the airport and looked at our plane for a bit then we went back to their house and checked out their build progress. They just started in March but are making really good progress! Here is their site:  We went flying around for a while and got Justin some PIC time in the -10. They seemed to enjoy it a lot and had all kinds of questions. It was really neat to see how excited they were - it reminded me of Brandi and I when we got our first ride with Geoff Combs in his -10. 

We didn't snap too many photos, unfortunately, but I did manage to sneak this one :)

Comments (1) -

  • And that baby belly has only gotten bigger!    ....loved the plane can't wait to finish mine!
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