C130 simulator

A friend's parents work over at Dobbins Air Force Reserve and they have two C130 simulators that every once in a while family and friends can go check out. I didnt know what to expect before I got there but I was amazed at how awesome it was! The simulator was way bigger than I thought it would be and we had full motion, which I understand they dont often do because of liability reasons. I flew first and had a tough time getting used to the height difference of landings but I managed to do a sweet combat landing on a dirt field that was 35ft wide. By sweet I mean we didnt trigger a crash but it was definitely exciting :) My buddy was up next and did very well - he had flown it before. I tried to sabotage him by turning off the oil coolers on engine #3 and #4 but the 27 year vet of the C130 in there with us saw the alert that they engines were overheating and calmly reached up and flipped on the oil coolers. My evil plan was foiled! It was a great time and a lot cooler than I thought a simulator could be. Thanks again Ryan and family for the opportunity!

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