Airventure 2016

We had a blast as always! This was the 6th year in a row that we have made it up to Oshkosh for Airventure. It was a little different of an experience this year since we had 2 year old Lucy in tow. A lot of the time was spent exposing Lucy to fun and cool things she would enjoy, which of course did include looking at airplanes, so she wasnt the only one having fun. We got to hang out with all our RV friends and it was great catching up with them, even if it was only briefly this year. We had to cut things a little short because Lucy caught a cold and also some weather was rolling in, so we left Wednesday morning, having arrived Sunday early afternoon. We enjoyed the Nasa building, innovations pavilion, air shows, KidVenture, museum, and all the usual fun, only this year in quick 2-year old attention span bursts :) 

Lucy wanted to help with the tie downs, so I let her with a lot of caution while she had a hammer near the plane. 

Oshkosh kids!

Lucy and Mommy enjoying the airshow with a great seat in the shade.

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