A Falcon Squadron friend, Bill Gilmer, bought a 39' Catamaran in Belize and asked the squad if anyone wanted to help sail it back. I jumped on the opportunity quick as it sounded like a blast! I had never been on a sail boat before, but I figured i could learn and help out in other areas too. I flew Bubbles down to Pensacola International at about 3am in order to catch my 6am commercial flight to Belize. It was nice arriving so late/early? and it was nice not having to deal with heavy [air] traffic. I tied down Bubbles, snoozed an hour in the pilot lounge, and then off I went.
As fate would have it, hurricane Nate spun up just South East of us and we waited it out an extra couple of days in San Pedro island in misery (scuba diving, walking around the city, enjoying drinks and dinner, etc). Brandi had to organize a rescue mission for Bubbles since Nate's landfall was going to hit Pensacola and the FBO wouldnt commit to hangaring us. Our amazing squadron mates sprung into action and rescued our plane. Thank you so much Scott, Mark, and Vic!