A few airplane buddies and us decided to go to a beach over Labor Day. We were thinking either Dog Island, Jekyll, or St. Simons and ended up at SS (KSSI). We flew two RV10s and an RV14 over and did a little formation flight along the way. Lucy wanted to fly front seat with Keith in his RV10, so I flew with my buddy Vio in his 14. Lucy talked Keith into doing some 'up downs' (oscillations) which she loves doing and was fun watching from a chase airplane.
We landed and immediately got BBQ at Southern Soul, which was delicious. Lucy really wanted sushi, so we went 2 minutes down the road and got her a rainbow roll.
We got a golf cart and drove over 5 minutes to the beach and played in the waves for a couple hours and soaked in the sun. The water temp was absolutely perfect! Lucy had a blast in the water, we all did. We rinsed off and I got Lucy an ice cream and then we carted over to the light house and walked around the pier area and looked around at the residential areas. The day went by fast and it was time to head home so we piled in and had a great flight back. We love a good day trip to the beach!