Last Friday we took the day off and flew to Asheville, NC for a little ski trip. Cataloochee Ski Area got a little snow from Sandy and they've been making snow on top of that so we decided to take advantage of the early season. I had never been skiing before and it was Brian's second time. Turns out I'm pretty good at it and we had a great time!

On Saturday morning, we got up early and flew over the Great Smokies.

During the flight, we flew past some hot air balloons!

We landed at Deerfield Resort in LaFollette, TN for the RV Nation Fly-In.

It was the first of many RV Nation Fly-Ins and there was a pretty good turn out. The food and company were excellent!

On the way home, we stopped for cheap gas at Knoxville Downtown Island Airport. The runway was surrounded by water on three sides. It was a pretty cool landing.